Sunday, November 21, 2010

Testing the Admiral

Operative Emporer Chihuahua Reporting

Let it be known I shall never call Admiral Piett by his first name, and he shall be known as "Piett" or the "Admiral" in all future reporting.  I would prefer to write, "num nutts" but this is a professional report so I will maintain it as such.  I rewired the droid assigned to walk my wife, Wicket, and me around for our daily walks.  It is now my slave and will operate as I command.  This particular droid is maintained on a semi-monthly basis so the reprogramming should not be discovered, as I will switch back to the original programming prior to its scheduled repairs.

As stated earlier, Piett has been giving me the cold shoulder.  Operative Nyx went to sleep prior to me being able to debrief with her, but I was able to scan her thought patterns and keep an open telepathic link while she was talking with Piett.  It appears Piett is disturbed I do not like him, and Nyx explained that I never would.  This part is the truth.  He smells of deception and as long as Nyx is eating out of his hand, then he will never be trustworthy.  Even if he does not hurt her or even myself or my wife, Nyx can easily be compromised to giving out the locations of each Rebel base.  I do not know if she recognizes this problem or not, but I believe as soon as the Admiral gets what it is he is after, he will abandon her.  I know that will crush her inside, and that is ultimately why I do not trust him.  Nyx is my family, and I will protect her to the best extent of my ability, even if I end up looking like the bad guy (how ironic).

Wicket and I searched Piett's quarters and found some contraband in which I stowed away in our droid.  This shall be used for, further evidence, perhaps.  Other than that, Nyx is confident that the information we need is located in the main frame computer in the War Room or in Piett's office.  We will be coming up soon on the abandoned rebel base, and I know Nyx is handling that fine.

And I did re-route Operative Nyx' journal and field report submissions so that Piett could not locate them.  It appears this was a successful move and I will continue to do so, to protect her at all costs.

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