Sandal Maximus' Story

RACE: Kiffar-Human
HOMEWORLD: Azurbani System
BIRTH NAME: Sandalphon
AFFILIATION: Jedi Order/Rebellion

My parents were a forbidden relationship.  My father was a merchant trader (human) and my mother a diplomat (Kiffar).  I hardly ever saw my father, as he was constantly on trade routes.  My mother's clan opposed outside relationships, which made my mother truly unique.  Thus prior to my birth we left the Azurbani system on a diplomatic mission.  When she did return to her homeworld, it was on her own and I was left in the care of the local monestary.  It was there I was discovered by a wondering monk, whom I discovered later was a Jedi Master.  He believed my psychometric talent at such a young age had much use, and without proper guidance, I may have easily fallen pray to the dark side.  I received off-and-on training from him until his death.  Prior to his death, he requested one of his former Paduwan to watch over me, and I continued training under him.  It was at this time I left my mother and father to complete formal Jedi training.

Unfortunately, both masters recognized my ability to physically fight was limited, but my psychic powers were vast.  My psychic art training became the primary objective, whereas my physical battle training remained secondary.  My masters recognized early on that I needed protection more than anything, and vowed to provide that.  I left training under my last master for a reason I cannot yet explain.  But I know he is still out there, and vice versa.

It was then I found the Rebellion and began to train with them in the arts of espionage.  They are my current alliance.

It is said that the Kiffar people are warriors in nature, but unfortunately, I never developed that talent.  It is possible my ability to fight is not in physical prowess but in something else.  It is yet to be determined as I am still young in my abilities.

SUMMARY: I am a Jedi knight, trained in the assassin arts under the Rebellion. I am a lover more than a fighter, and my emotions often get the best of me.  Highly skilled in telepathy and the intuitive arts, but lacking as far as actual fighting ability or skill.  Not all of my abilities have manifested, but my charm and sensuality have managed to keep me safe up until this point.  I also have studied the ancient healing art forms of the my people as well.

I have traded in my espionage duties to become a diplomat for the Mandalorian people, as wife of the Mand'alor, Corden Maximus (@Corden_Maximus) and mother to Tifa (@Tifa_Maximus).

You can catch me on Twitter @celestialphenyx (out of character account) or @Sandal_Maximus (roleplay account)