Sunday, November 28, 2010

Beholding Each Other

Operative Nyx Reporting

The Admiral had a full schedule, as usual, and thus I was left to my own devices.  After getting bored out of my mind, I decided to honor my promise to the bounty hunter (Corden Maximus) and teach him how to relax.  We met on the darkside of Tattooine where I taught him to dance.  Those Mandalorians have trouble relaxing and just connecting emotionally, or rather they wear their emotions behind such a thick shell.  I think I am starting to understand why I feel so similar to him, because both of our jobs keep us away from loved ones and we quite frankly, we can't have any sort of loved ones in our lives.  In my world, loved ones become targets.  In his, loved ones make it difficult to be gone for long periods of time.  Unfortunately, at that same time, the Lt. Walker decided to ask me out for lunch (since I skipped out yesterday), and I used my ability to create  a second self (e.g., which I call a doppleganger) and interacted throughout the day via my doppleganger.  Corden and I continued to build on our friendship until he had to complete a mission, and I decided to return to the ship.

Upon my return, I dissolved the doppleganger and met for lunch with the Lt. Walker.  He mentioned that he received some bad intelligence information, in which he was told an Empire supply ship was being attacked by the Rebellion.  He said when they arrived on site, the supply ship merely had engine troubles.  I am glad I planted that false information, and will continue to do so.  He has agreed to show me around on his ship, and I anticipate learning some training maneuvers to relay to the Rebellion to learn how to counter for space dog fights.  Interesting that both he and I have the need to get out of the ship, and that might be a great aspect to this friendship.

The Admiral didn't have a lot of time for me, but I met him in his office towards the end of the day.  I did give him a ring, because I was under the impression he felt as if I was not committing to him.  In a way, because of the nature of my job, there is no way I can fully commit while a war rages between the Rebellion and the Empire.  But in my heart, he is the one I long for.  Before giving him the ring, I blessed it so that he may always be protected and safe.

On a separate tangent, sometimes I think the purpose of life is simply to reach out and behold each other.  That it is in the shelter of others that we live.  This is an old saying my father used to say to me, and it was repeated by the monestary monks when I was growing up.  And now, I think I am starting to understand the true meaning of it. 

And in staring at the stars tonight, I could feel the heartbeats of the different life forces in the galaxy.  It was so beautiful to behold.  Everything is precious.  Every being is from the Force.  To hurt even one is to insult that which created it.  I stand there each day staring at the stars, feeling the Force in the heart of each being.  It radiates such love, that I feel compelled to protect life at all costs.  I have sacrificed so much personally to protecting life, that I hope my sacrifice will never be in vain.

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