

Celestial Phenyx (Sandalphon) (@CelestialPhenyx/@Sandal_Maximus)
Celestial Phenyx (referred to as "Sandalphon" or "Nyx") is a former Jedi knight, trained as an assassin and a retired spy for the Rebellion.  She was formerly secretary/engaged to Admiral Piett on the Executor.  Married to Corden Maximus.

EDITORIAL NOTE: All role-playing is played out on the @Sandal_Maximus account. If you are looking for silliness and commentary, please also make sure to subscribe to the @CelestialPhenyx account.
Seraphic Phenyx (Operative Seraphim) (@Seraphic_Phenyx)

A clone of Sandalphon Maximus. On a mission to find myself in a world that is utterly confusing. For allowing me to live, I have decided to act as Sandalphon's replacement within the Rebellion while she enjoys her much-deserved retirement with her husband, Corden. 

Corden Maximus (@Corden_Maximus)

Mandalorian bounty hunter/assassin.  A rather indignified at times, but a complete gentleman under his hard exterior.  It appears only Sandalphon has caught on to this trait of his.  He is in possession of the second Star stone from Sandalphon's people, which reaffirms her deep respect and friendship for him.  Sandalphon established a telepathic link to him, and requested that if something should happen to her, he would extract her dogs from the Executor and bring them to the Rebellion HQ.  She helps him on bounty hunting missions when she's got a minute, and they married on May 8, 2011 at 8:00 p.m. PST.

Wicket (@EmpChihuahua)

Wicket is a small dog that was given to Sandalphon while still under the guidance of her second Jedi Master.  Wicket was found abandoned and frightened of humans, but with enough love and caring, she has become an assertive dog.  She loves playing with toys and is extremely hyper-active.  Her favorite game involves chasing shadows across the room.  Wicket doesn't have the ability to communicate telepathically as clearly as Emp. Chihuahua, but isn't known for hiding her feelings very well anyways.

Emp. Chihuahua (@EmpChihuahua)

Emp. Chihuahua was given to Sandalphon by her first Jedi Master.  He is a very wise and lovable little dog who accompanies her everywhere.  Overly protective, he doesn't typically allow her out of his sight.  They have a telepathic link to each other, and he often communicates with her directly even when she has slipped out of his eyesight.  A lazy little Chihuahua whose first love is for blankets and sleeping next to the fire.  He has a thing for marking his territory (which often includes peeing directly on Wicket several times a day).  He often translates on Wicket's behalf.


Daughter to Sandal Maximus and Corden Maximus. Jedi/Mandalorian baby.

Former Republic Clone/Imperial stormtrooper. Now serving under Corden Maximus and RC Boss.

Battle droid that was developed by Vector Industries for the Imperials. KosMos has recently gone missing and is now in the Rebellion's hands.

Mandalorian bounty hunter. Best friends with RC Sarge.

Mali Kaori. A Death Watch Mandalorian. Daughter to Xenen Kaori.

Xenen Kaori. A Death Watch Mandalorian that seeks to eliminate all Mando clones in the galaxy.

Artificial intelligence on board the Mandalor's cruiser (The Chakaar).

NOTE: All characters mentioned here (outside of the ones that I control) are owned/intellectual property of their creators.