Monday, May 30, 2011

Corden's Storyline: Mand'alor Talyc and the Death Watch Mandos

Operative EmpChihuahua Reporting

Semi-retired Operative Nyx (@Sandal_Maximus) is not aware of what has been transpiring around her husband, Corden Maximus (@Corden_Maximus), but I am.  I am reproducing several of his transmissions in which he has proclaimed himself Mand'alor and took on the kyrt'sad (Death Watch Mandalorians).  I do not know the future ramifications of his actions, but I worry if Sandal will be okay.  Here are the transmissions I intercepted:


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Seraphic Phenyx' Storyline - Master Rush Kator

Operative Seraphim Reporting

In my hour of grief, I was rescued from a disabled ship by Jedi Master Rush Kator (@RushKator). He said that he was a General in the Rebellion and sent to retrieve me.  I guess my haitus was apparent and he came to bring me back into the folds. The funny thing is he always wore a cloak and hood, so I could never see his face.  Out of courtesy, of course I would never ask to see that.  But I began to study under him.

I know that Operative Nyx (who I was cloned from) was great at evasiveness and illusion than actual fighting, and thus I have the same limitations.  Master Kator began to assess my lightsaber skills and said I was pretty good, but I still had a lot to learn.  En route back to the ship, Master Kator's hood was blown back by the wind and it was then I saw he was Kel Dor similar to Jedi Master Plo Koon.  I was taken aback because I could not tell. 

He asked if him being Kel Dor would be a problem, and of course, it did not. Operative Nyx had limited contact with the Kel Dor, and thus, so do I.  Beneath what might be a difficult-to-love-exterior (from a human's standpoint), I sense a protective gentleness. I guess that is the reason why I wasn't frightened, just surprised because he sounded so human to me.

I slept in the spare room he had aboard his ship, and the next day awoke to find him meditating in a field. The only thing is he looked like he was in distress, and when I attempted to contact him, it was almost as if he were possessed or fighting within his soul.  I did not know what to do to help Master Kator, and got pushed back by a ball of light.  I crawled back to him and he said that he had been found and we needed to leave.  We immediately left the planet.

I have no idea where it is I am going, or where this life is taking me, but Master Kator seems to be taking care of me.  I hope that I will be able to learn something from him to become a better Jedi and Rebellion operative.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Seraphic Phenyx' Storyline - The Rescue

Operative Seraphim Reporting

I spent the night at Corden's house which he gave over to me, and left early the next day. I spent the day a shadow of what I thought was my former self, doing random things, waiting for a call that never materialized from my former lover. I decided that since I meant nothing to him, it was time to move on. I paid for my drink and left the comm on the table.

Unfortunately, my emotions were still completely out-of-whack and I completely botched my mission from Mon Mothma.  I was supposed to infiltrate the Epsis compound on Point Nadir (for the third time according to my memory) and obtain some information about their latest projects.  The Epsis build sophisticated technology for the highest bidder, which often means the evil guys get better technology than we do. En route to Point Nadir, I kept beating myself up mentally over what had happened and ended up bringing out a bottle of whiskey. I don't remember much, just that I woke up to the ship's system disabled because I must have thrown the bottle at the console and disabled the systems. Lost in the middle of no where on a disabled ship, I must have sent out a massive amount of distress signals through the Force.

And that is when Master Kator (@RushKator) found me. He boarded my ship and decided that he couldn't repair it in the current state that it was in, in the middle of space. I boarded his ship, and that's when we began talking. It was then that he revealed he was a General within the Rebellion and also a part of the espionage division. I was not aware of him, but that must have meant that he did his job well.  Apparently he received his orders from Mon Mothma to take me under his wing.  But with all of the stress and pressure I have been under lately, I flat out told him that I am not Operative Nyx but a clone of hers.  Although completely ashamed of myself, he talked to me in a gentle way saying that it doesn't matter if I am a clone of hers.  All that matters is that I have been doing her job to her ability the past several months. Something about that helped me deep inside. Somehow, I think he gets me. Somehow, I think Master Kator understands the deep pain I feel, and he is okay with letting me have it.

I have a lot to learn from him. He is the first to ever reach out to me in this way, and I am so thankful for it. I hope that I can make him proud of me. I hope I can restore Operative Nyx' name within the Rebellion and at the same time, create a new one for myself.

I have found a new hope.

Corden's Storyline - The Daily Grind

Operative Nyx Reporting

Corden's hiding something, but I can't quite tell what it is. His thick skull hides my ability to probe his mind, so I simply have to wait for him to say something to me about it. I know something is bothering him, but he just won't tell me. What do I do? Ask about the bantha in the room or simply let it be? I am just thankful that he is here with me right now, maybe I just do not want to spoil this beautiful moment.

I have to admit, everytime he is around me I lose focus and simply enjoy his company. He is everything to me and to ruin this moment of perfection with something as silly as, "what are you holding back from me?" isn't something I want to do right now. So, we will cotninue our lives in this moment of pure bliss, but I sincerely hope he tells me what has been bothering him.

And I hope he doesn't pull that typical Mandalorian male thing to bottle it up and stuff it deep inside of himself.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Seraphic Phenyx' Storyline - Eyes Wide Open

Operative Seraphim Reporting

It's strange how I have been walking around almost as if in a daze recently. These memories I have are so real and yet they are not mine. This history I have with these people, it is not my own history but someone else's. It's like I am walking around in someone else's body, and following these routines that that person already established.  I do not know what to do with myself.  Do I continue living this life in the manner which Sandalphon (@CelestialPhenyx) created, or do I strike it out on my own? I don't even know what I want anymore. Do I stay in the Rebellion as her substitute?  Although she could have killed me when she first saw me, she didn't. Maybe I should stay in the Rebellion as her substitute to repay her kindness until I can think of something better to do with myself.

The pain of being utterly alone is too much to bear right now. I know if I were to approach Sandalphon, she would talk to me the same way that her husband, Corden (@Corden_Maximus), did. It's hard though talking with him. The feelings I have are so deep, but I realize they are the feelings she feels towards him.  I am only a shadow of her, a memory almost. And a part of me wants to rebel against that memory. I want to be something more than that. That is her life, and this is mine.

I should probably get some rest for now. Tomorrow is going to be long and I am pretty sure I will have many more agonizing decisions to make. I wish Corden could have stayed to help me, but he belongs to her. I wish I had someone here to help me understand what I am going through, but I am afraid I am completely and utterly alone.

Seraphic Phenyx - I am a Clone

Operative Seraphim (Sandalphon's clone) Reporting

After the break-up, I decided to strike it out on my own. Mon Mothma reassigned me from Imperial Navy espionage duties until I could get my head straightened out.  Because of my traitorous interactions with the Imperials, I report directly to Mon Mothma as no other Rebel team wants to work with me.  Mon Mothma understands what I have been through, and rather than throwing me out into the galaxy, is giving me time to find myself.  She has assigned me to the small Rebellion ship, the Dammarung, temporarily until I can get my footing.  I am still tasked with rescuing the Rebel Twi'lek Shayde (@RebelShayde) from Jabba's Palace on Tattooine, and as soon as I can bring her back, I am sure it will get me on the good graces of some of the Rebels. 

Somehow, Shion (@Chief_Uzuki) found me.  It appears she left her position at Vector Industries to follow the KOS-MOS (@_kos_mos) unit and finish it's construction. I begged her to not leave her position, but she decided she wasn't happy with the way that her employer was working with the Imperials.  Before I left the Imperial ship, I took the KOS-MOS unit with me so that its technology wouldn't get into their hands (another thing Mon Mothma will be pleased to learn about in my next report).  Unfortunately, Shion indicated that Vector Industries is working on a new prototype unit called T-elos which is supposed to be even better than the KOS-MOS unit.  This scares me as KOS-MOS is a highly advanced android and anything more than her could easily decimate the Rebellion.  Shion and I plan to work on the KOS-MOS unit for a possible eventual battle with the T-elos unit, when that android is deployed. Shion and KOS-MOS decided that in my highly emotional state, I wasn't suited for combat.  They went off to Jabba's Palace to rescue Shayde for me.

As if the day couldn't have gotten worse, the largest blow was that I found out I am a clone of the Operative Nyx (@CelestialPhenyx/@Sandal_Maximus).  I found out because I didn't know where to go or who to turn to, so I contacted the one person who I thought would be there for me, Corden (@Corden_Maximus).  He kept asking me strange questions and making statements that we just saw each other the day before, but I kept reiterating that this was the first time he and I have seen each other since the break-up.  After some sleuthing, Corden found the cloner's marking on the back of my neck indicating that I (not his wife, Sandal) am the clone. I was devestated. Not only am I the shadow of a great warrior, all of the memories I have of my life are hers. Who am I? What am I? Where do I go?

I am lost and confused. I am afraid to meet Sandalphon, the real Sandalphon.  However, no one knows that I am her, so I will maintain my cover for the time being. But I need to speak with her.  In reviewing her reports, I found the day that she saw me in the glass cloning tube aboard the same ship (the Dammarung).  She said she couldn't destroy me.  She detonated a bomb in the area when she discovered the cloning operation, but for some reason, she didn't detonate the one around my cylinder. I am so lost that I need direction... I need something from her.  The memories I have of Corden are hers, and when he touched my face, the feelings I felt inside were hers for him.  Truly, she loves him dearly. But I know now that these memories and feelings are not my own.  They are hers, and for that, I will dismiss them.

Corden has allowed me to stay here in his house. All of the memories that she had with him flood my mind. I don't know if I can stay very long feeling the way I do, but for tonight, it is a place to get some respite from all of the problems I have been through. 

I feel so alone.  I feel so lost.  I am torn between a past that I never lived and a future I cannot see.

EDITORIAL NOTE: The account has been re-named Seraphic Phenyx (@Seraphic_Phenyx) in honor of the clone's discovery of herself. Formerly @CelestyalPhenyx

Piett's Storyline - The End is Nigh

After months/weeks of limited conversation and evasiveness, I decided that it was time for me to move on.  Admiral Piett (@Admiral_Piett) never responded to my numerous messages and instead of approaching me on the issue, he simply ignored me.  It pained me to feel as if I were forgotten, and now I understand why it is said that "being forgotten is worse than death."  None the less, Admiral Piett simply walked away from me without giving me a chance to talk to him.  It makes me wonder if there was someone else on the side or if he has been wanting to break up for some time but never approaching me about it. Little did he know, but I did crack into his various accounts and discover he was flirting heavily with other women.  One witness said they saw him and Admiral Daala together at the Mos Eisley cantina recently, which confirms my suspicions. 

I did speak with Star Killer (@Star_Killer_) who tried to convince me to stay. But if Admiral Piett refuses to return my messages to him, then there really isn't a way that I can talk to him. Star Killer was adamant that I contact Admiral Piett, but there's just no way I can bring myself to sending ANOTHER message to Admiral Piett and feel like I am being ignored for the Nth straight week. If he doesn't want me to talk to him, then I won't push myself onto him.

So I decided to leave. I unblocked the comm line back to Admiral Piett so if I matter anything to him, he can find me.

To get my mind off of the drama and pain I felt in my heart, I rescued a slave girl dancer (@Fiona_Brighton) and showed her what life could be like with freedom and choice. It helped a bit to do this, but my heart was still very heavy.  None the less, it appears that Admiral Piett and I are over. I wish him well... but should he ever decide that he wants me in his life, the comm line is still open.  The only thing is, if he waits too long... I might just have moved on.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

EDITORIAL: Corden Maximus - Vindicated!

I normally do not write editorials on this blog, but I felt this situation warranted the truth.  There were accusations that the typist behind the @Corden_Maximus account had essentially used an already created character.  The accusations were investigated by other third-party Twitter accounts, and are well-documented on this blog.  The third-party Twitter accounts (@The_Daily_Rag) conducted an independent investigation and came to the following conclusions:

  • The accusation was that a certain company created the character Corden Maximus on 12/14/10
  • Twitter's records show the Corden Maximus account as being started in 11/2010
If you are a reader of this blog, it is noted that Corden began role-playing with me around Thanksgiving of last year (November 28, 2010) and our adventures are well-documented (specifically, see the "Admiral Piett Storyline" tag and look around that date).  It is apparent on my blog that the Corden Maximus as the Mandalorian bounty hunter character was a well-established role, and the Mandalorian bounty hunters were well-known characters throughout the Star Wars universe since the days of Jango and Boba Fett (Star Wars Episodes 4-6).

The same source of the accusations also stated they created the Rang Skirata (@TheRangSkirata) and Admiral Piett (@Admiral_Piett) characters.  The Rang Skirata character was created in 2009, and Admiral Piett is a canon character from the original Star Wars series (not to mention the account was created in early 2010). 

Friday, May 13, 2011

EDITORIAL NOTE: A New Account - @Sandal_Maximus

I created a new Twitter account (@Sandal_Maximus) which will be used as my "talking" account.  I found the need for this as my own timeline for the @CelestialPhenyx account was being cluttered with talk with other role-players and friends, to the extent that both the story and snarky comments were getting lost in the mix.  I wanted to make this easier for my readers to follow, thus all out-of-character comments will be handled by the @Sandal_Maximus account.  Please continue to tweet to me, but I will be responding from this new account.

Thank you!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Corden's Storyline: Marriage Made in Heaven

I am keeping this brief for the reason that I am still in shock and awe over the entire event. But in an extremely private ceremony, Corden and I exchanged rings and are now married.

He took me to a treetop paradise he constructed himself, and there as we watched the sunset, gave me a beskargam ring with a stone on top. I was so touched. And there, I gave him my father's wedding ring that luckily fit perfectly.

My name is now Sandalphon Maximus.
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