Saturday, January 29, 2011

Piett's Storyline - The Degobah Base

Operative Nyx Reporting (Edited by Operative EmpChihuahua)

I intercepted a comm message saying that a Rebel base on Degobah was going to be stormed by the Imperials.  Without hesitation I left the Executor and flew to the Degobah system, landing in the midst of the swamp.  It was there I eventually found the small compound and began evacuations. Emp (@EmpChihuahua) was one of the first to exit the compound to lead the Rebels to a safe haven.  I decided to stay with a small set of battle droids, and without my knowledge a few Rebels stayed as well, while the transport ships left the area.  It was here that I was confronted by Baron Fel (@Soontir_Fel), an Imperial TIE fighter.  I soon realized I was going to be overwhelmed by the stormtroopers and fled, only to be taken down in the swamps of Degobah by Baron Fel. 

It was during this time that I tried to buy some time and I summoned my doppleganger to sit in my office.  Admiral Piett (@Admiral_Piett) confronted me through the doppleganger, and used his phaser to shoot her (which is really me) and dissipating it.  He then proceeded to the Degobah system to find both me and the Rebel outpost. 

In the swamp, Baron Fel and I struggled until I was able to Force Throw him off of me. Using my metal spheres, I was about to teach Baron Fel not to mess with Rebels when Admiral Piett showed up and held me tight.  Admiral Piett ordered Fel to stun me, at which time I was carried back to my ship and Fel unmasked me.  He called Admiral Piett over and it was then Fel determined he was going to bring me to Vader himself.  Admiral Piett tried stopping him and luckily I awoke and used a Jedi Mind Trick to get Fel to forget everything he just witnessed.  With that Fel left but both Admiral Piett and I appeared shaken.  I normally do not drink, but this warranted it.  So I grabbed some random flask of an alcoholic beverage of some sort and apparently went to town. 

Unfortunately, I did drunk text Admiral Piett that there was a Rebel base on Hoth.  He questioned me about it the next day and didn't think much of it.  Unfortunately, when I did check who received those texts, it appears they are being re-routed (or copied) to another account on the Executor.  I attempted to find that account and the person accessing the information, but to no avail.  I sent a message to Rebellion HQ to plan to have the base evacuated soon, but only upon my command.  I also advised the Admiral to watch his back because everything he does is scrutinized at this point.

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