Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Corden's Storyline - A Cruddy Day Just Got Cruddier

Operative Nyx Reporting

I have been told I have a rather foul temper, and I think the day went from "barely miffed" to completely "kark faced" in barely a few hours.  I woke up with Corden (@Corden_Maximus) playing my game against me, and I ended up feeling upset that he actually took me seriously (or tried to teach me a lesson by giving me my own attitude back).  So I left the station to take a breather and begin working on the light-sided weapon that I had taken the crystals and blueprints from the Beregen Vaults for.  I brought them to a beachhouse I have on a small inhabited planet, at which time, the Emp (@EmpChihuahua) asked me why I seemed agitated.  Little did I know, I had accidentally cut myself while trying to assemble the light side weapon, and went to bandage myself up.  It was then I realized I was pretty upset and decided to take the dogs and Beskar'ad to the waterfall for a little swim.  I accidentally left my pendant and distress beacon on the rocks, and returned to the beachhouse.

It was there that Beskar'ad was disabled, and my dogs and I were tranquilized.  I awoke to find myself captured by a Mandalorian bounty hunter (@Fenris_Artymis).  He attempted to have me coerce Corden into paying him 300,000 credits, and when Corden wasn't buying it, he offered to sell me into Jabba the Hutt's harem.  I finally convinced him that I had a storage facility full of stuff on Dattooine (total lie), and when we got into the marshes, I choked him with a chain he had wrapped around my hands.  I fled into the swamp and he quickly followed.  Unfortunately, running through a swamp in lingerie is NOT the most intelligent thing I have ever done.  Have I done it before?  Yes.  Would I ever do it again?  Probably, but not because I really want to.  It's easier to lose my scent and trackers in a murky swamp versus the desert or even a forest, but the insect bites are usually horrid.

On Dattooine, I ran as far as I could get, but Fenris remained in close pursuit.  Luckily, Corden and Beskar'ad arrived and began hunting him at that exact same time.  None the less, Fenris finally caught up and stunned me, taking up a defensive position as Corden and Beskar'ad closed in.  It was there that although stunned, I noticed a strange Mandolorian symbol on his shoulder, at which time he must have noticed my eye movement and said, "Kyr'tsad" (or loosely translated as, "Death Watch" which are a breakaway Mandalorian sect believing themselves to be the only true Mandalorians, wishing to return their people to a lifestyle of complete brutality and savageness).  As Beskar'ad approached from the side, Fenris through electronics disabling grenades at the droid, and Corden slipped in behind, rifle butting Fenris unconscious.

Corden took Fenris into the brig while I washed up and changed.  It was then I went to sleep.  And yes, I know exactly what Corden would have said, "if you stayed on the station, you wouldn't have run into these problems!" Yeah, score another one for Mr. Hindsight over there.

EmpChihuahua Supplementary Report

I normally keep my nose out of Nyx' business (okay, that's a complete lie!), but Corden requested a moment of my time.  So he and I had a "man-to-poochi" chat and agreed to set aside our differences for Nyx' sake.  It was then he asked why I didn't like him, and I explained because of his close emotional proximity to Nyx, she would be willing to sacrifice everything for him.  And when I say everything yes that includes her life.  I have seen her when she gets emotionally entangled with someone and it can be very taxing on both her and myself.  I say myself because she gets in moods or funks and then there goes the entire day.  I won't go into her mood as I saw it this morning because I believe she accurately described it in her report. Lastly, I did tell him that she cares about him deeply, and if he decides to propose, he should wait at least until she has had a chance to break off her engagement to Admiral Piett (@Admiral_Piett).  I will see if he takes me up on that advice.

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