Friday, December 10, 2010

Remembering the Admiral

Operative Nyx Reporting

It seems strange that I can't seem to remember the Admiral at all.  He seems patient enough to try to work with me.  All I remember is waking up in his bed and him laying there beside me, EmpChihuahua next to me, and falling out.  It was kind of strange to not have any recollection of anything, and then to be in your bosses' bed!  None the less, I tried to remain professional, and we ended up going on vacation to his house in Naboo.  It was in the ride to Naboo that my charms were not working, and he told me that I had had my memories locked.  I explained that only happens when operatives are compromised, and he said that that is the reason that my memories were locked so that I could stay on the mission.

And that's when my world came crashing down.  I still held my reservations but went along with the trip.  A part of me felt the need to connect with the Admiral on a non-professional level, it is something I can't quite explain.  And a part of me held reservations that he was Imperial and I was a Rebel. 

We landed on Naboo and after a quick refreshing shower, I explored his property.  It was there I discovered a target that only I would have made and a healed over wound in a tree.  I know that only I would have taken the time out of my day to heal a tree's spirit.  That is when I knew I had already been there and the Admiral wasn't lying to me.  I did have my memories removed. 

After a shopping trip and a quick bite to eat, he took me to a temple.  Somehow I ended up fainting, and when I came to, he simply said that he triggered a memory.  Somehow he has managed to get into my mind and recover some memories, and I take it this was the second one.  Recovering memories takes time, and as far as I can tell, two have been recovered according to what he tells me.  I do not know how many are still outstanding, but I wonder if recovering them will change anything in the present.

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