Wednesday, May 30, 2012

SANDAL'S JOURNAL: Life has come to a standstill of sorts. I spend my days tending to the baby, , who surprises me with how smart she is. She definitely looks like both and I. She has my cheekbones, his hair, and my smile. It's a tad bittersweet because she is already starting to display a Force ability, telepathy. I am worried because of the history of the Jedi and Sith. They always try to take the child away and raise it in their own beliefs. I would be proud if she choose the way of the Jedi but will she? And if she does, she will never lead a normal life. Well, being a Force sensitive or Force user, one never really has a normal life, as I have come to believe. But those problems are a long ways away. It depresses me to think of them, actually. I am trying to spend each day, living life to its fullest. Corden has been preoccupied as of late, but visits when he can. And we are fortunate to have such good friends around. Do I miss being a Rebellion spy? Somewhat. Do I love being a mother? Absolutely. Do I feel like I have let down my fellow Rebels? I don't know the answer to that. It is said that spies do not retire. They simply go into hiding, and for good. The few instances where the Imperials have gotten close to finding me, I have managed to escape. But I am no more of a threat to them than any other Kiffar. I have no more business with them or the Rebels. If I were to be taken prisoner by the Imperials, all of the information I have would be outdated at this point. It would be worthless to even come after me. I assume there is still a bounty on my head. I believe Corden cleared it once, but who knows if I got another placed on me. Look at me, rambling. As I always do. Well, mother is still engaged in her diplomatic work and a bit disappointed that I stopped my own. She never quite understood what raising a family truly meant. After all, I spent my childhood at a monestary most days. Corden's buire are doing fine on Tattooine. They invested in a moisture farm and says it shall provide a nice nest egg for retirement. Although Corden's father just will never stop working, so I am sure they are set for the rest of their cycles. As for me, I have been spending it with the baby in various safehouses. My friends love playing with her, and it gives me much needed R&R. Not to be mean, but the baby just will not stop tele-babbling. It's constant. And at her age, most children actually voice words, but she insists on speaking through telepathic images. It's exhausting answering her. And wherever I go, she can find me. *sigh* but at least I know if she is chattering to me, she is safe and happy. And that is what matters. Well, I had better get back to my reading. I have about 30 minutes before Tifa wakes up and starts chatting away. ** SANDAL

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