Saturday, June 25, 2011

Corden's Storyline - The Meeting of the Same Mind

Operative Nyx Reporting

The day has finally come, and I will keep this brief. My clone, Raphi (@Seraphic_Phenyx), has discovered her true nature.  She called me to a meeting aboard the same ship, the Dammarung, that I first discovered her in a sleeping state. I couldn't destroy her, because it is ingrained in me that I cannot destroy myself. When I detonated the bombs when Corden (@Corden_Maximus) and I were leaving the ship after killing my superior (who was attempting to kill me to copy my memories into Raphi's mind), I purposefully did not detonate the bombs near the glass cylinder holding her.  I learned that she was taken to a different facility shortly after and made viable (activated), at which time to ensure her safety and my own, I allowed her to enter my mission while I slipped away with Corden.  I had a feeling someday she would discover the truth about her origins, and I patiently awaited her arrival.  In order to protect her until she is able to fully establish her identity within the Rebellion, I am staying away from all Rebel Alliance activities.  I had thought that she would be safe under the careful eyes of the Imperials, but knowing my own rebellious nature, I am not surprised that she was unhappy aboard the Executor.  I sincerely doubt anyone noticed she is no longer there, and a part of me is thankful she left because I know it was a slow and painful death to be among the enemy in such a way.

Operative Seraphim Reporting

I met her.  I don't know what to call her.  Is she my twin? My mother? My sister? Or simply just "she-that-which-my-DNA-came-from"?  I do not know.  None the less, we kept it brief.  I had so many questions of her. Who am I? Where am I going? Why did she let me live? But she told me in time, the answers would come to me. I hate ambiguous answers like that. I really do.  Something tells me she knows that. And feeling the child growing inside of her made me slightly angry.  My life is collapsing all around me, and I am still in a state of grieving the loss of.. well... you know..., and here she is all happy. And these feelings I have towards Corden aren't mine, they are hers, but I feel them as if they were mine. So I guess I felt what is known as jealousy at her pregnancy, but I think since it has been a few days, I am kind of over it now.  I am happy for them both. They are happy together so I won't hold it against them. It's hard being alone like this. Really hard. But she and I agreed to keep in touch over the comm lines. She didn't talk to me about what was on her mind, but I sensed a feeling of apprehension like she and the child were in danger. I might not know her, but dammit, I won't let anyone harm her or that child. I felt her deep inside of me, as I know she feels me as well. Because of our connection, I will be a silent guardian for her and that baby. Whatever future is in-store for the Mandalorians, I intend to help keep that child safe from whatever is hunting them. 

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